Monday, December 30, 2019

3 of the Best Email Follow-Ups To Get A Response

3 of the Best Email Follow-Ups To Get A Response3 of the Best Email Follow-Ups To Get A ResponseYou apply, they called you (y.e.s), you went in for an interview, things felt good, but thencrickets. You dont know what to do. Whats the appropriate time frame to follow-up? And what do you say thats bedrngnis needy and desperate (worthy of the delete button), but actually business-like and professional, to get an actual response?There are 2 important parts to your follow up email the subject line, and the actual body of the email. A wrong subject line is an invitation to get immediately deleted. An overly-emotional email (one that blames or indicates frustration) leaves the absolute wrong impression. Here are some guidelines to do this the right way24-48 Hours After The InterviewSubject lines that will get your email opened can be, In case you need anything else from me, A quick note on our conversation earlier, or Thanks for your time, and 1 quick follow-up question. These communicate t hat you have something substantive to add, but that youre not about to unleash a dissertation.In the body of the email, either ask for next steps or confirm the next steps the interviewer previously told you. If the recruiter said, I think Ill be able to submit you as a candidate by Thursday. Then you want to say in your note, Thank you for saying you would put me up as a candidate. Im excited because this sounds like a great fit based on my experience with _____ (some specific skill or area of expertise that you both discussed). I trust that we will touch base by close of business Thursday or early Friday. In case you need anything else from me, please do not hesitate to simply let me know.Make sure your glaubenszeugnis aligns with the subject line you choose. Therefore, if you really have another quick question, ask it. If theres something additional you thought of after the interview, say that.When A Milestone in the Timeline Has Come And GoneIf later Thursday / early Friday (fro m the scenario I created above), comes and goes without you hearing anything, then mid-morning Monday send your next follow-up email.Use another of the 3 subject lines. In the body of your message, say, Wonderful talking to you earlier about the Regional Director position. Here, write 1 sentence regarding a specific topic you discussed, in order to remind the person of the conversation you had and show that you were paying attention. I know you said you were going to put me up as a candidate to your client. (The recruiters client is the employer.) Can I just find out what the status of that is? Im eager to move along to next steps.The response may come later that day, the next day, or the next week. Its easy to feel frustrated or like youre being ignored, especially if you feel you gave a good interview. These are all the normal emotions that happen.Follow Up for the 3rd Time A Week LaterSelect 1 of the 3 subject lines, and make the body of this message a combination of the first 2 thank you notes. Begin with, Just wanted to let you know Then, in this third note, show that you have something additional say.Tell them about some other achievement. Maybe it was on your resume, but youre going to take this opportunity to highlight it again. Maybe you have finished XYZ project, and the results of that came in.Heres what that 3rd follow-up can look like, Just wanted to let you know that weve closed the project that I mentioned to you before, and the early figures show that we already generated $762K. The projections were only for $600K, so Im super proud of that. Anyway, just wanted to check on the status of my candidacyHere, ask for another meeting, even if its by phone. Say, Do you think we can jump on the phone for five minutes this week? I would love to solidify my status in the interview process.Every follow up is just a few sentences long. Youre not writing the person your whole professional history all over again. All youre doing is restating your interest a nd demonstrating enthusiasm (Regardless of how you really feel), you are practically physically smiling while youre writing these interview follow-up notes. Make sure to say everything with a nice, big, positive attitudefruchtwein importantly, do not place all your hopes, wishes and dreams on this one opportunity thats how you give up your power. Take control of your job search and your life. You be the one to steer your ship forward. Keep working every other opportunity simultaneously until you land the role you really want.There are several more job search ideas that you can use to make headway on jobs that match what you want, increase your number of calls back, and hear offers with salary levels that you need. Find out in 5 Secrets Smart Jobseekers Age 50+ Know That Make The Job Search EASY

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Ways Job Seekers Can Spot Scams

5 Ways Job Seekers Can Spot Scams5 Ways Job Seekers Can Spot ScamsEven the savviest of job seekers can get seduced by a job scam. Whether youre looking for at home work, a telecommuting position or a complete career change, watch out for these signs of a scam.Here are five ways job seekers can spot scams1. Asking for personal info.Protect yourself from the start. From your bank account number to your Social Security number, you should never reveal personal financial information about yourself. One of the most popular job scams today is to have the applicant deposit a check into their account and then send the employer money. A real company will never ask you to deposit a check for them.2. Hired without an interview. Sure, you know that your skills would be a perfect match for the position. But how does your potential employer know that without even interviewing you? Be careful of overzealous employers who want to hire you ASAP without doing an interview or even asking for references. 3. To-good-to-be-true claims. When youre pounding the pavement hunting for your next gig, it can be easy to be swayed by the lure of making $5000 a month working only 15 hours a week. Sadly, this is simply a scammers way of enticing you to apply.4. Work from home appears first in the job title. When a job listing screams out Work from home without even stating what the job is, its most likely a scam. Details such as working at home or telecommuting should be listed in the jobs description, with an appropriate job title to help potential job seekers find the position.5. Unprofessional email address. The Hiring Manager of a Fortune 500 company wants to interview you, but is using a personal email address. Or the email address ends with a foreign countrys code. Either way, scammers sometimes masquerade as corporate companies so be sure to stay alert to odd-sounding email addresses.If youre unsure if a job position- or even a company- is legitimate or not, do a Google search. You can ev en visit the Better Business Bureaus website to see if any complaints have been filed against the company. And sadly when it comes to job search scams, as the old saying goes, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Readers, have you ever been the victim of a job scam?What are some of the ways you spot scams as a job seeker? Tell us in the comments below

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ten Steps to a Federal Job for Veterans

Ten Steps to a Federal Job for VeteransTen Steps to a Federal Job for VeteransTen Steps to a Federal Job for VeteransThe federal government, which offers some of the best jobs, pay and benefits in the United States, is hiring veterans. If you follow the Ten Steps to a Federal Job below, you could increase your odds of getting hired.Despite all of the economic uncertainties that Americans are facing, the US added 146,000 jobs in November, with thousands of civil service jobs open to applicants, according to a recent examination of the USAJOBS federal employment database.The current status of federal hiring is misunderstood by many veterans. The sad truth is that government jobs are frozen. So writes a disgruntled and misinformed job binnenseeker. The only way to get a government job is to join the Army. The government is not hiring.Yes, its true that thousands of veterans are competing for federal jobs, and theres lots of gloomy news affecting the jobs economy these days the fiscal cliff, gaping budget deficits, Europes troubles, military drawdowns, some agency freezes, and a still-tentative recovery. So its not surprising that many professionals are feeling discouraged about their job prospects, even with that most dependable of blue-chip employers Uncle Sam.But its also true that there is no overall broad freeze on government agency hiring at the moment on any given day there are likely to be thousands of jobs available. From a Resume Place survey of job postings at just a few of the larger federal departments this week, here are the facts Homeland Security had 368 openings posted on USAJOBS. The Department of Agriculture advertised 463 jobs. Health and menschengerecht Services was looking to fill 766 positions. Veterans Affairs sought to hire 3,237 civilian job openings at Defense numbered 4,602 (including 2,359 Army Civilian jobs even though there were rumors of a hiring freeze).With the myth of a federal job freeze put to rest, the question remains How d o veterans go about navigating the byzantine government application process to secure a job offer? We recommend that you utilize the following Ten Steps to a Federal JobSTEP 1 Focus the Federal Job Search Find out which federal jobs are right for the qualifications and education. Search the Office of Personnel Management Classification Standards and find jobs that will match experience and education. You can find out how Rifleman / Combat equates to a federal job Security Specialist, Police Officer, Special Agent (requires a bachelors degree).STEP 2 Networking Success Veterans should set up LinkedIn and other networking accounts. Add your work experience, certifications, skills and objectives. Then research federal employees who work in the agencies of interest to youSTEP 3 Target Top Accomplishments Get out your fitness reports and make a list of your accomplishments. They can be added to your resume so you will stand out. Accomplishments are impressive, interesting and can help you get Best Qualified and Referred to a Supervisor.STEP 4 Find the Perfect Job Announcement Go to and search for jobs in your salary range, geographic preference and with a keyword such as administration, human resources, security, information technology. GOOD NEWS Veterans can apply for most of the jobs listed on USAJOBS. The excepts would be positions that are open ONLY to that particular hirin agency.STEP 5 Identify Keywords Popular keywords for veterans could be team leader, trainer, instructor, analyst, critical thinking, supervisor, data analyst. For each opening, analyze the USAJOBS announcement to identify at least five keywords to add to your resume.STEP 6 Master the Federal and Electronic Resume. The federal resume is practically your ENTIRE application. This is important The federal resume is on average 3 or 4 pages. Samples of the USAJOBS federal resume are available in the Ten Steps to a Federal Job publication. You can also see this article about re sume tips.STEP 7 Conquer the KSAs and Questionnaires Conquer the Questionnaire Test Give yourself all the credit that you can with the questionnaires. You will be demonstrating your Knowledge, Skills and Abilities with your answers. This is a No-Kidding Test.STEP 8 Apply for Jobs with USAJOBS Be patient and apply for the jobs online with your resume in the builder and ready to go.STEP 9 Make Sure to Follow Through Track down your applications. You can see your RESULTS on most applications in If you are ineligible or just eligible thats NOT great news. You want to see Best Qualified for the best results.STEP 10 Interviewing 101. The federal job interview is another TEST. Be ready to talk and get graded on your answers. This will take practice and preparation. For more interview tips, see this section.In summary, the federal job application ordnungsprinzip is highly technical and specific. Be prepared and read the job announcements carefully. Be sure to mat ch the resume to the qualifications in the announcement.The federal government is hiring. The jobs, pay and benefits are the best in the United States the application process for these highly competitive positions is complex. Be ready to earn your federal government job by putting time and effort into each step of the application.Article published at

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Ask for Help at a New Job - The Muse

How to Ask for Help at a New Job - The MuseHow to Ask for Help at a New JobThe good news is that you landed a fantastic new job. Youre excited about the company and the work youre doing, and this position is a huge step forward in your career.The bad news is that this huge step is more like a seismic leap You convinced the hiring managers that you were ready to work at this level, but now that youre in the thick of it, youre wondering if you can really hack it.You know you need to ask for help, but youre holding back., because youre afraid it will look like you cant manage your workload. Dont worry, the right approach will make you look proactive- and save you a lot of headaches (not to mention time). Read on for your three-step plan to get the help you need.1. Remember That Youre a New HireA former boss opened my eyes to the power of the phrase, Im new herbeie. I worked with stakeholders with complex personalities, and my boss suggested that by asking them to explain why things were done a certain way or why they held a certain opinion- ostensibly because I lacked institutional knowledge- I could make more progress in a relationship or situation than if I dove into the status quo.Of course, that magic window lasted only so long. Asking someone to explain why something is done a certain way in the first month makes you seem interested in context asking three months in makes you seem behind the curve.Similarly, the time to ask for help is sooner rather than later. You may be concerned that youll look like you dont know what youre doing. But in weeks one, two, and three, thats okay- after all, youre a new hire. The issue arises when you try to power through, fall behind, and in month two ask about something you should have been doing all along. No matter if youve been killing yourself to figure it out, it will reflect poorly on your confidence, your communication skills, and your productivity.2. Be on the Lookout for In-House ResourcesIf saying, Im new, and I nee d help was easy, everyone would do it. But its complicated, because you want to avoid overburdening anyone or wasting valuable capital on obvious questions.The secret is asking the right person. You may assume Im talking about your supervisor, or whomever he or she assigned to train you, but thats often not your best course of action (especially if your designated resource acts like your questions are keeping him from his real work).Much as you can network in three directions- up (your supervisor) down (your assistant) and out (your colleagues)- the person or people who help you may come from any of these groups. Look less at who youre supposed to ask, and focus on those with whom you click. Maybe theres a colleague who went out of her way to show you the trick to using the copier, someone who told you that the sandwich shop a block over is far superior to the one in the lobby, or a friendly intern working at the organization for his third straight semester. Someone who goes out of her way to let you know that she remembers what it was like to be new is going to be much more receptive to questions.3. Make the Most of Your QuestionsNow that youve found the person (or people) willing to help, its time for you to get hyper-organized. You shouldnt ask him or her a question every time one leaps to mind, and you dont want to burn valuable time with questions you could find the answers to if you spent a little more quality time with the employee handbook.Make a list of the problems youre struggling with, big and small. Write down everything from your computer freezing up to trouble getting someone important to email you back. Then, prioritize the list and pick the two or three problems you need solved first in order to do your job effectively.Next, casually approach your contact, and ask not for him to solve the problems, but if he would have time to direct you to the right person. (The last thing you want to do is send your friendliest colleague a calendar request a nd then unload 20 questions- hes nice, but thats not his job.) Rather, treat him as someone who could provide you with a little insider info.Try this, Ive been having some challenges both with my computer software, and understanding some of the company lingo. Would you have a few minutes to share the secret to getting on techs radar, and suggest someone or something that could provide me with some more background on the language front? This way, youre reaching out colleague to colleague, as opposed to asking him to drop everything and help you.You never want to feel in over your head at work- especially when youre starting a new job. But the beginning is the time to ask for help. Use the tips above to make the process go smoothly.Photo courtesy of Betsy Weber.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

I found another great set of resumes. Thank you!

I found another great set of resumes. Thank youI found another great set of resumes. Thank youYou know that you use Ladders because its the 1 job search mobile app and the easiest place to find info on the great jobs youre looking for.But did you know why employers use Ladders?Its because they can contact a refined set of professionals outside of the professional network meat markets. When I asked what our employer friends had to say about us, heres what they sharedPatrick Riley from HP reported, We found many quality candidates that have interviewed in Boston and DC. The Hiring Managers were very pleased with the talentAn avid user of Ladders, Colleen Corbin from Microsoft took the time to let us know that she, loves the quality of candidates, the service, and Ladders outstanding customer erleichterungOn a recent call with his dedicated account manager, Peter Khoo from Ernst Young told us that his team made 4 hires directly from Ladders and he loves that he can find top talent so e asily.Sometimes the recruiters cannot help but shout how happy they are with Ladders and our amazing job seeking professionals. Kathleen Nering from Microsoft took the time to let us know, I found another great set of resumes. THANK YOU MANY MANY THANK YOUs. So did Darrell Palombo of CSI Crescent Search, Inc. THE PREMIER PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE to connect with others where you can maximize collaboration to mutually contribute to the success of business.As we all know time is money and recruiters love that our services are intuitive and make it that much easier to find the professionals for which they are looking. Megan Bell of Federated Capital Corporation commented that Ladders offers, easy to search resumes nice parameters to use for searching easy to post multiple jobs and from multiple companies you are recruiting for.Knowing that they are going to find top talent every time recruiters do a search is what drives them to come back day after day. Phil Tiene of Genesis Agency let us know that, Ladders is a comprehensive resource for qualified candidates, specifically having a much more relevant database of job-seeking professionals.Well, there you have it, folks, straight from the people looking to hire you.Have a great week in the search, and heres to being found

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Gpa Resume Chronicles

The Gpa Resume Chronicles New Ideas Into Gpa Resume Never Before Revealed So you merely graduated high school or college and you are primed to put in the workforce to turn into a productive member of society. Degrees like Accounting, Cybersecurity, and Rural Public Safety Administration provide a good foundation for students binnenseeking to give back to the neighborhood economy. Website For students who need to get ready for ministry or simply deepen their understanding of Christianity, Virginia Baptist might be one of your very best online college alternatives. Website Central Christian College has a very long history that dates back to the 1800s, but it doesnt indicate its stuck previously Dates are secondary details. Pay a visit to SmartMeasure, which is intended to help you see whether you are prepared for online and web-assisted courses. Go to their website to learn more. So itll be critical that you locate ways to speak to employers in person. Someone creating a ca reer change should think about employing a functional resume. There are lots of other reasons a candidate might or might not be considered. Paint a dynamic picture of the sort of work you did and the magnitude of your responsibilities. As soon as youve given it a very good review, then dont hesitate to press that button The proportional length of each work description is vital. Since you may have a 2 page resume, list all you have done. You cant who is on the opposite end of your resume review and the way they may react. Scenario 2 If they choose to promote you to a greater level status in the future, they may look to confirm your education and GPA. If you presently have experience in the area, its also advisable to avoid listing your GPA and pay attention to your experience instead. Rather, the goal of the career objective is to showcase your abilities and abilities that can help you to successfully fulfill the responsibilities of the position. There are many factors th at influence the length of time it can take to earn a web-based masters in hospitality management degree. It depends upon your favorite career field, it is based on the degree of the other qualifications being detailed on the resume. While the entire number of credits required by every program will vary, the vast majority of on-line masters degrees in hospitality management include 30-40 credits of coursework and can be finished in one or a couple of years. The particulars of each on-line masters degree in hospitality will be contingent on the particular program and school you decide on. It is possible to also mention any academic honors and awards in this part. When employers review your resume, they need to be able to work out quickly what you did at a specific job. Interviewers havent any quota. Some job seekers are ready to select the risk. however, its usually not worth it. In a web-based review process, the exact same recruiter might be sifting through hundreds of resum es attempting to obtain a best applicant. You could be interviewing with whoever hired that recruiter. Do not provide it or show it to the recruiter as it does not fit the standard mold. The Key to Successful Gpa Resume In this instance, theres a great chance they could ask you for a copy of your transcript to confirm your GPA. Luckily, there are many methods you are able to beat the minimal GPA blues. If you are now in college or will soon be graduating, these tips will be able to help you determine whether to include your GPA on your resume, together with show you where and how to correctly include it. DO NOT combine your GPAs if you dont make it absolutely obvious that is what youre doing. We wrote a great post on whether you need to include your GPA on a resume. In most instances, you wont even be considered because of your low GPA. If youre listing your important GPA, as opposed to your general GPA, make certain to label this clearly.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Top uni degrees to get a job and make money

Top uni degrees to get a job and make money Top Uni Degrees To Get A Job And Make MoneyPosted February 25, 2013, by Molly Wiltshire-BridleThere are all sorts of reasons for people to study what they study at uni from the altruistic calling of social work to the desire to exercise justice through a law degree. But one of the main questions on everyones mind is what degree will get me a job, and a job that pays well?We compiled the top 10 study areas based on which industry sectors have demonstrated the best graduate employment outcomes, according to the latest Australian Graduate Survey. Find out where the jobs and money areHealthcareMedian starting salary $70,000+Australias ageing population and high industry turnover rates mean that healthcare and medicine continue to top the list of most in-demand (and well remunerated) graduates. Those educated in the fields of pharmacyand medicine are particularly sought after, with around 98 per cent of bachelor degree holders securing full- time employment within fur months of graduating. If income alone is your incentive, then dentistry and optometry are your safest bets, with median starting salaries over $70,000. Other areas like paramedical studies and psychologyalso rank well. Where qualified medical professionals are needed, so too is there a steady demand for allied health workers and researchers. If a marathon medical degree isnt quite your style, consider pathways such as a Bachelor of Biomedical Scienceor Bachelor of Medical Science. There are also shortages of midwives and enrolled nurses, so getting a nursing qualificationcould also be a great way to find ready employment.Earth environmental scienceMedian starting salary $65,000 The mining industry is booming like never before, and with it comes ample opportunity for employment in Earth and environmental sciences. Encompassing everything from geology and meteorology to ecological sustainability, a degree in this field assures you a healthy income and s trong employability. With a median starting salary increase of $11,000 between 2010-11, no other field of employment is growing so rapidly.EngineeringMedian starting salary $60,000Engineering graduates continue to be highly sought after, thanks largely to demand in the mining sector and continuing skills shortages in areas such as mechanical, civil, electrical, petroleum and metallurgical engineering, and more. Gain a grounding in core engineering skills with an Associate Degree in Engineering.EducationMedian starting salary $55,000 At long last, learning is starting to equate with earning. Teachers, particularly in the fields of mathematics and science, as well as in early childhood education, remain in high demand. Considerable government HECS-HELP study incentives in these categories provide all the more reason to get involved in the educationsector. abflug your journey with aBachelor of Education (Secondary) (Mathematics)or a combined Bachelor of Education (Primary).IT com puter scienceMedian starting salary $51,000It seems almost impossible to contain the rate of technological innovation, from web technologies to games and application development, and beyond. Join the global information and technology systems movement, and earn a median starting salary of $51,000 in one of todays most dynamic job markets. A Diploma of Website Development (ICT50615) is a worthwhile starting point, or go further with a Bachelor of Technology (Computing Studies)or one of our many other IT qualifications.LawMedian starting salary $51,000 Often touted as pillars of prestige and decorum, law graduates are more highly valued in the employment arena than ever. Relative to the 1977 median graduate starting salary for this sector, law graduates in professional and private practice have experienced a whopping 925.9 per cent increase the highest income growth of any sector.Accounting financeMedian starting salary $47,000 As long as there are profits to be tallied and taxes to be paid, number crunching remains a key graduate employment area. Financial services alone account for more than 400,000 Australian workers, so your stats look promising. Get started with one of our many financeor accountingcourses, such as the Bachelor of Business (Accounting).BusinessMedian starting salary $47,000 Business is booming for graduates in the areas of commerce, entrepreneurial studies, international business and sustainable practice. There remains a significant salary differential of $27,000 between undergraduate and postgraduate salaries in this field, however, so be prepared to return to uni for your MBAor other postgrad qualification. Launch your business career with a Bachelor of Applied Social Entrepreneurshipand Bachelor of Business.Architecture/building constructionMedian starting salary $46,000 Widespread population growth and concerns over ecological sustainability have seen the urban planning and development industries experience rapid growth, with s urveyors in particularly high demand. You can lay the building blocks for a lucrative career with a median starting salary of $46,000. Get involved behind the scenes with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Interior Architecture), or for something more hands-on, try a Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management).AgronomyMedian starting salary $45,600 Agriculture and its related industries comprise 12 per cent of Australias GDP, and accordingly, jobs are aplenty, with skills shortages to be found for agricultural scientists and consultants. You can study anything from viticulture to rural science in this burgeoning industry. You can sow the seeds of a career in agriculture with a Diploma of Horticulture (AHC50410).Get qualified and start earningWhile an undergraduate degree should not simply be a means to raking in the big money, its in your interests to know where you will likely find employment. Its worth keeping in mind that graduates who complete combined or double degrees are even more employable than those who do single degrees, so adding another string to your bow could really be worth your while. Postgraduate study is also a worthwhile investment, with postgraduate salaries higher than the salaries for bachelor degree graduates in every sector. Bear in mind that a relatively low starting salary doesnt mean things will stay that way throughout your career. Pharmacists, for example, rank as one of the lowest median starting salary earners at $37,000, but after completing their placement, go on to earn an average of $100,00 per year.Want to future-proof your career? Equip yourself with the 10 skills every company wants by 2020 (and beyond)Data sourced from Graduate Salaries 2011 A Report on the Earnings of New Australian Graduates in Their First Full-Time Employment and Postgraduate Destinations 2011, published by Graduate Careers AustraliaSkills Shortages Australia June 2012, published by DEEWR ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jo bCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMolly Wiltshire-BridleRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCareer progressionHabitsAre You An Imposter? Coping With Imposter SyndromeDo you feel like youve fluked your way through your career? Turns out you may not be alone. Find out more.CAREER ADVICEWine and dine your career on Valentines DayWhether they are arranging roses or dreaming up prose to go inside gift cards, there exists an entire industry or workers dedicated to making Valentines Day as romantic as possible for starry-eyed lovers.Human ResourcesWHSPlaying it safe at workWhen I welches younger, my skate board had a sticker somewhat ironically brandished on it. Safety is an attitude, not a process, it read.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Learn the Role of the Intelligence Specialist

Learn the Role of the Intelligence SpecialistLearn the Role of the Intelligence SpecialistEven in a branch of the military like the Marines, which prides itself on brawn and toughness, intelligence is a critical part of any operation. Knowing the whereabouts of an enemy force and its capabilities inform the decisions of Marine commanders as they plan strategy. Intelligence Specialists in the Marines are familiar with all phases and facets of intelligence operations. The military occupational specialty code (MOS) for this entry-level job is MOS 0231. As the name suggests, the typical duties ofthis job include the collection, recording, analysis, processing, and dissemination of information. The intelligence specialist, depending on their rank, may supervise intelligence sections of commands up to and including the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF). Testing Requirements for MOS 0231 Intelligence Specialist As with all Marines, intelligence specialists must complete boot camp at one of the Recruit Training Depot locations (either at Parris Island, South Carolina or San Diego, California). In buchen to qualify as an Intelligence Specialist, recruits need a score of 100 or higher on the General Technical section of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.Theyll need to complete the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) intelligence specialist entry course at the Navy-Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), inDam Neck, Virginia. Intelligence specialists who have aDefense Language Aptitude Battery scoreof 100 may be eligible to attendlanguage trainingat theDefense Language Instituteat Monterey, California. Clearances Needed for MOS 0231 Candidates for this MOS have to be eligible for a top-secret security clearance and access to Sensitive Compartmented Information based on a completed Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). This means that candidates interested in this position should have a clean criminal record and be able to pass a background check that may include a credit check and interviews of friends and family. These checks may go back as far as 10 years, so if there are unresolved issues, try to handle them before enlisting. Theyalso must have 24 months obligated service remaining upon graduation and have to be U.S. citizens. Career Path for MOS 0231 This job is the first specialized segment of training for a Marine seeking a career in military intelligence. Through managed on-the-job training, Marines in MOS 0231 eventually have the training to become intelligence section chief at the 0300 level, and eventually, have the skills and training to serve as mission-critical intelligence officers at the 0400 level. If you have an interest in a career in military intelligence, any one of the branches of the U.S. military will provide options, but if youre determined to be a Marine, then MOS 0231 is where youll start your intelligence training. Duties For a complete listing of duties and tasks, r efer to MCO 3500.32, Intelligence Training and Readiness Manual.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Are you qualified to be an expert witness 5 questions to ask first

Are you qualified to be an expert witness 5 questions to ask firstAre you qualified to be an expert witness 5 questions to ask firstBeing an expert witness is serious business. Anyone who takes the witness stand needs to have impeccable credentials and extensive experience in their field, as well as be objective and able to communicate effectively to judge and jury.David Katz, founder and chief executive officer of Global Security Group, was a special agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration for 15 years before founding his company. He has worked on multiple cases as an expert witness, either as an investigator or as an expert on ballistics and firearms training and qualifications. I know things that only a small segment of the population knows, he says. Being an expert witness allows me to use my background, training, and experience to have a positive effect and not allow a person to be convicted unjustly.For Nevium LLC principal Brian Buss, who has been an expert witness in i ntellectual properties valuations and damages for nearly 10 years, being an expert witness is like working on a puzzle. You never get all the information you want, so you have to find the missing pieces or have an analytical approach that stands up even though you dont have all the pieces, he says. Its like a brain anriss challenge, and someone will win or lose based on your evaluations.Are you considering becoming an expert witness? Katz and Buss provided five questions to ask yourself to help determine if youre qualified.Are you credible? Whether youre an arborist, zoologist, or anything in between, you must have an established career and be able to answer questions about every part of your industry. You have to be the authority, and be able to match opinion with anyone you encounter, says Katz.He suggests staying in your wheelhouse. For example, a pediatrician shouldnt be an expert witness for testimony that needs a surgeons expertise. Its also imperative to stay up to date on ch anges within your industry. Theres always a new case or court ruling, new rules or laws, says Buss. Its part of my daily routine to stay informed about company developments and new technology.Are you an effective communicator? A large part of being a witness involves teaching lawyers, the judge, and the jury about your subject. You have to be somewhat professorial, educating people on the basics and explaining tactically how something happens, says Katz. Having a clear, down-to-earth communication style is key.Are you calm, cool, and collected?After youve worked with your lawyers to lay out the case and your opinion, the opposing counsel will try to prove you wrong. Being able to handle cross-examination takes a certain type of personality. You have to be the kind of person who can be attacked and not take it personally, says Buss.Katz agrees. Cross-examination is withering it can be seven or eight hours in one day. Its brutal. But its also kind of fun, he says.Are you consistent? I ts vital that you havent established a pattern as someone who changes your opinions or beliefs throughout your career. If you have, opposing counsel will uncover it and use the information against you. If you have ever testified differently or written an article with a different opinion, they will find out, says Katz. Not only does opposing counsel do deep internet searches on you, but they will also talk to people who know you.Do you have the time to dedicate to the case?Being an expert witness is a material commitment. After reviewing all the evidence and writing an expert report, you then have to be deposed and potentially testify in court. All these steps take a considerable amount of time and can sometimes occur quickly in succession or be drawn out over months or even years. You are never the captain of the litigation ship, says Buss. You need to be willing to work on their schedules.If your answers to these questions are yes, you might have the credentials and demeanor to be an effective expert witness. It can be both an intellectually-rewarding and financially-lucrative subsidy to your primary employment or, if your skills are in enough demand, could even become a full-time job of its own.Erin Quinn-Kong writes for GLG Law, the platform that connects professionals with opportunities to serve as an expert witness. Erin has written for a number of publications, including The Alcade,, and Womans Day and served as the former editor-in-chief of Austin Monthly and editor at Allure and Us Weekly.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 Accounting Career Lessons

10 Accounting Career Lessons10 Accounting Career LessonsRecruiters know good candidates when they see them. Good applicants for accounting and finance roles have the right mix of experience and software skills, degrees and in-demand certifications, along with tenure in their industry. Good candidates are also equally as great in person as they are on paper.The best candidates, however, have learned a few important career lessons.If youre an accounting candidate, what is this secret sauce that makes hiring managers and recruiters so excited to call you? And maybe more importantly, what are the factors that deter them from calling you?While a lot of factors make a candidate look great on a resume, there are a number of career lessons that can increase the likelihood youll get a call from a hiring manager or recruiter.There is no carbon-copy accountant that every company is looking to hire. Every industry, company and hiring manager looks for something different. Requirements for qualif ications, certifications and software all depend on what kind of business theyre in.But, if you follow behauptung tried-and-true career lessons, you increase your marketability in the accounting field - and decrease your chances of being passed over in the job search.1. Dont get pigeonholedThe industries that are hardest to transfer out of are banking or financial services, government, and nonprofit organizations. Thats not to say you should avoid unterstellung industries completely. Just dont take a position in them expecting it to lead you to another job in a different industry.Accounting specifications are uniquely different in certain lines of business and dont transfer easily to other industry roles. Even if you have great tenure and experience in one sector, it doesnt necessarily mean you have equal opportunity in another. You may be promotable within these sectors, but not necessarily outside of them.2. Diversify your software experienceQuickBooks experience is great, but ha ving it as the only accounting software youve mastered wont transfer well to a company thats not using it. Having universal enterprise resource planning (ERP) experience, like SAP, is great to have - and also transferrable. Some of the most common accounting ERPs include JD Edwards, NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics and Sage, to name a few.3. Dont stay at a company too longGood tenure is important, especially if youre looking for a traditional direct hire, full-time position, but staying somewhere too long can make potential employers weary of your ability and even willingness to learn their processes, software and business. Avoid becoming too stale by being receptive to new opportunities outside of your current company.4. But dont move on too soon If your resume shows a pattern of staying at companies for an average of months instead of years, those are the types of opportunities youre going to attract - short-term, contract assignments. Thats fine, if thats the work you want. In perm anent-placement recruiting, this is called a job hopper. As a professional, you shouldnt make decisions on changing jobs based on temporary frustrations. If there are situations causing you to make frequent career moves, be prepared to answer questions related to your tenure (or lack thereof) in an interview. Dont approach these questions defensively, but do so with a response youve prepared.5. Use public accounting as a launch padPublic accounting is a fickle thing. Candidates are constantly wanting to get in and candidates wanting to get out. Experience with the Big 4 firms - ernsthaftigkeit Young, Deloitte, KPMG and PWC - can tee up an accountant for major career success. Ive had many conversations with hiring managers who require Big 4 accounting experience for their openings. Making this choice? Read Private vs. Public Choose Your Accounting Career Path.Professionals who work at smaller, regional firms, of course, can also be top-notch candidates. But candidates who want to move to corporate accounting might find that managers are concerned with their ability to focus on one business instead of multiple clients, and whether they have transferrable skills if theyve been responsible for only a fraction of a total accounting process.Public accounting might remind you of the story of the three bears You want to put in just the right amount of time with the right firm.6. Become an Excel masterExcel is the common dominator for most accounting positions. Do yourself a favor and take a course if you havent had regular exposure to it or if you dont use it every day at work. Maybe youll even become an Excel fanatic, like this CPA.7. Create a strategic planWhats your end game? This needs to be the first question you ask yourself before you make a career move, or dont. Dont accept an opportunity just because it crosses your path and sounds interesting. If you want to be a CFO, learn which opportunities will lead you to that end goal, such as earning your CPA or MB A, gaining broad financial experience, and enhancing your understanding of business, technology and operations by seeking out opportunities that expose you to those areas.8. Beware of moving for money or titleCareer skills and real money come from time and earning promotions. Changing jobs for quick money or to fast track to a different title is not a sound career move. Be ready to put in the work, and the money and titles will follow. If they dont, thats when it would be a good idea to consider making a change.9. Forge a relationship with a recruiterA good recruiter functions as a coach and a resource to help you make strategic choices. They are your eyes and ears on the market, and can alert you of good opportunities that make sense for the career path you define with them.Work with us to find your next job in accounting and finance.10. Know your market worthAs a conscientious professional, its important to be able to quantify your skills - realistically. Some people undersell th emselves, while others oversell. This leads only to a mismatched placement, and if done too much or too frequently, can derail a career. Once youve assessed your skills, compare them with what the market needs. This gives you a true sense of how marketable you are.The biggest tip for accounting and finance professionals considering career moves is to be honest with themselves. We all think we are the best, that were marketable and that any company would be lucky to have us. But if you arent getting called back for jobs youre applying to, consider it a lesson to take a step back and assess your skill set in relation to the positions.Are you qualified, and do you have most, if not all, of the requirements listed in the job description? What does the supply and demand of talent look like? If you dont know, review accounting and finance trends to learn what skills are in demand and in what markets. Some of the best preparation is to ensure that youre marketable. Then put your best foot forward, making sure the lessons youve learned during your career are clear in your resume and in a cover letter thats tailored for that prized new position.?